photo by Hazel Thompson/True Image
I am a London-based Illustrator for children's books and spend most of my year working freelance on many publishing projects for major UK publishers. My books include Charlie Changes Into A Chicken (Penguin), Panda at the Door (Chicken House) and The Firefly's Light (Scholastic). 
I started painting prophetically in 2007 after becoming a Christian in March 2007. I had a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit in a house church in France and have never been quite the same way again, in a good way.  I began to see in the Spirit, one of my first visions being one where I saw the roof of the room we were in peel away, and I looked into heaven; I saw angels in the room, felt my heart burning, heard the applause and joy of Heaven. The reverberations of that encounter have stayed with me even now, years afterwards. 
I have since learnt to draw closer to Jesus in intimacy, worship and studying scripture. The Holy Spirit has also taught me how to pray His heart over situations and circumstances and to see things shift. I know the importance of receiving balanced prophetic training and mentoring via the local church community and seasoned prophets, and have trained at Dr Sharon Stone's Mentoring Days under Prophetic Voice, and I am also regulary involved at my local chruch St Peter's Brockley, London. 
Painting prophetically, I've learned, is very much a face-to-face activity with the Lord. It's a combination of prayer, worship and seeing and hearing God. I feel honoured to work this way, and don't take it for granted- it really is ALL God and a little bit of my limited know-how as a trained illustrator. 
I pray you are blessed by this body of work, it represents years of listening and praying and making. There will be updates as I do new work. If you want to purchase prints or commission or buy original artwork, or book me to paint live during worship or run a prophetic workshop.  Please get in touch or click through to the shop. 
I would be happy to talk to you about any of the pieces here. 
Thanks for reading. God bless. 
Sarah Horne

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